The Story of Wings Butterfly Princess

The Story Behind
Wings: Story of a Butterfly Princess

The songs of Butterfly Princess evolved from a young girl who so desperately wanted to ‘fit in’ with her peers.

When I was young I had brown frizzy hair. I was bullied so much at school about the way I looked that I wanted to change schools (which I did!)

I realised that if you didn’t ‘fit in’ you were ostracised, and I remember feeling like I wanted to die!

I believe many young people continue to feel like this, and now with social media they are dealt a double blow.

I wanted to write this musical to share my story through Pandora.

The songs evolved from a desperate need to fit in, but with the realisation that being special comes from the inside — not from the outside.

No matter who doesn’t like you, there are enough people in this world who do, and those are the ones who really matter.

Prince Piper and Queen Gwendoline echo this, and the Butterfly gang no longer hold any power over me.

I’m free, without the need to ‘fit in’ any more.
Wings Butterfly Princess Talent
Darren Mullan, Oliver Bridges, Taylor Schwartz and Melinda Cronin